Sunday, February 26, 2012

We here at Peoples Planet have been studying a very controversial subject lately cannabis. Cannabis is an illegal drug federally but we know personally that there are many Americans who use cannabis daily.We agree with the medical use of cannabis because we know how it can be to have to take synthetic man made medicines.So we are now accepting contributions from people who use cannabis medically  and would like to testify personally about the medical capability of this beautiful plant.Thanks Peoples Planet.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Here is an interview from a wonderful artist in LONDON (REMI ROUGH)

 1. Who are you and when did you start creating art?
I am Remi and I started making art in the way I currently make it around 27 years ago… But I have actually been drawing since a lot since I was 4 years old.

2. What was the influence that made you start creating art?
Probably seeing the book Subway Art and soon after the video of Style Wars… I guess those two things were completely pivotal in making a career choice for me, except at the time I don't think I realised I actually would be able to make a career out of it. Funny how things turn out sometimes.

3. What is your favorite medium and how did you arrive at this medium?
I think masking tape is my favourite medium. Graffiti writers (myself included), spend decades mastering the use of spray paint and then you realise 4 slithers of tape can get your line perfect and in just one hit. I've had people ask me if I think I'm cheating by using tape? Thats possibly the most ridiculous question I've ever been asked in my life.

4. How's the art scene as far as galleries, graffiti, street art and other creative forms of art in your city?
London is pretty stagnant at the moment, it needs some serious revitalisation… Most people spend their money on screen print editions only to re-sell them a year later… It's difficult to approach the more 'high end' galleries because quite frankly they're not ready for what myself and a lot of other artists of my genre do. The fine art world motors along nicely but all the fringe genres find it a real struggle I think.

5. How has your city influenced you and the art you have created?
In every way! The architecture, the mix of old and new buildings that surround me, the colours, the different tones of greys, blacks, steel and iron. I see shapes and forms wherever I am in London.

6. What type of person are you as far as politics and activism goes?
I have strong political opinions, I keep up to speed on world events but as far as activism goes, I always think people can do so much more with knowledge rather than brash actions…
I like to think that my 27 years painting within a rebellious art form is my way of 'sticking it to the man!'

7. Do you agree with medical marijuana? If so please explain why and if not do the same.
To be honest I don't know enough about it to comment, so I shan't.

8. How was your childhood and was art a common thing around the house?
I'm an only child so I spent a lot of my childhood sitting drawing and painting by myself… My Grandfather was good artist, but that wasn't his full time job, Also my Great Uncle; Antonio Pacitti was quite a well known artist and he taught me quite a bit about the fine art world… He also taught me how to stretch my own canvas. My parents ran a business shipping fine art all over Europe so I often got to see Canaletto's or Bruegal's and sometimes would go to the many galleries that my Dad used to work for, so I guess art was all around me, but I probably didn't appreciate it at the time the way I do now. 

9. Concerning art where do you think the future is going?
I have no idea… People will always make art, some of it good, a lot of it bad… Personally I want to continue to push my painting and start making marks in other mediums like sculpture and relief. I have some drawings for some small sculptures I hope to be showing at my Solo show in Newcastle this coming May.

10. How do you go about creating?
I start at the beginning and go on until something inside me me says stop.

11. Does your daily emotions influence your creative process?
Sometimes? I think I paint better when I'm in a bad mood or when I have things on my mind… If you're too focused on a painting sometimes you completely miss the point, it's easier to look inside from a slightly external perspective I think.

12. How do you deal with artist block?
Drink copious amounts of alcohol and maybe smash a few things up.
Or I occasionally read one of my many art books for inspiration.

13. Is there anybody special that has influenced you and your art?
One artist who hasn't necessarily influenced my art, but has definitely helped me to discover the freedom of abstraction and to never bow down to peer pressure would be legendary graffiti abstract pioneer Juice 126.
I also look at the work of Franz Kline, Mondrian, Van Doesburg and most importantly Kasimir Malevich. 
I try to see as much art as I can, you can't cook good food if you never eat good food.

14. Any regrets about the art you have created?
I have no regrets about anything… I guess I'm lucky like that.

15. Shout outs.
Definiteley, yes...

Monday, February 13, 2012

In todays times its hard to enjoy yourself but these guys are on the front line in the war against boredom here is an interview from INNERCITY SKATES  located in Detroit.

Q. Who are you guys and how did you start?
A. Inner-City Skateboards is a skateboarding brand that was started in 2010 Detroit MI. We distribute our own skateboards and skate apparel to the public. It all started when me and my friend we just having a hard time getting out to the burbs to get skate equipment. There was no place in the city to get any of that anywhere. It was like if you sk8 in Detroit and you break your deck unless you have an extra deck on you your done for the weren't going out to Royal Oak, Dearborn, or Westland. Reason being by the time you got out there and get back the day would be over with. So I said we need something in the city we can go and get sk8 supplies. Just about every other surrounding city has a sk8 shop or some were to get boards but Detroit. Thus Inner-City Skateboards was born. We actually started off wit a stencil, blank boards, spray paint cans, and dedication.             
Q.What is the goal of your shop?

A. Well as of right now we do not have shop we do plan on opening our flag store soon but as of right now we have our boards and apparel sold at Spectacles Detroit located on 203 E Grand River.

Q. What do you think of the skate culture these days?
A. I think that the skate culture is growing and evolving. Skating is no longer found just in the suburbs anymore...its also in the Inner-city. There are skaters in  Brightmoor, Linwood, 7mile and so fourth..there all over the city. Also over the years I have seen the sk8 culture get a little bit commercialized as far as the look and style of it. Now you have celebs/musicians (ie Lil Wayne Chris Brown etc) picking up boards trying to learn but in a way its helping keep the culture alive and that's whats most important in the end.
Q. How has your city influenced your business?
A. The city has been a huge positive influence on our business. Not only are we providing a alternative business to the city but we are also adding diversity as well. Our brand was inspired by the inner-cities of Detroit...the struggle, the grind, and the rise. That kid down the street with is board looking for the next spot to sk8 downtown or around the corner. The city has made me and this business what it is.         
Q. What made you guys start this business?

A. I have always dreamed of having my own sk8 shop. Back in 2005 there was actually sk8 shop/boutique located right down the street from Spectacles it was called the GOAT it had everything to me they had a lot of potential to be huge but they didn't stick around to long. The owner live in NYC I think he was flying in to run the shop. They were closed most of time and eventually closed in the same year. After that happened that inspired me to start my own business.    

Q. Who has influenced you most?

A. My Mom  influenced me the most she has taught me to stay focused and dedicated on everything. Also other local business owners like Zana Smith (Spectacles Detroit), Phil Simpson (Freshman Clothing), and James Morris (DSE). All three of them are examples of strong business owner the reside in our great city. Buy getting advice and watching how they run and conduct there businesses. By begin exposed to that kind of knowledge influenced me to develop good business practices.          
Q. What is your ideal customer?
A. My ideal customer? anyone who comes in and buys everything lol

Q. How do you guys deal with the hard economy?
A. Just keeping our name relevant and trying to stay ahead of the competition by pushing out great quality products. A positive mind frame about everything we get you a lot further than you think. But one of the main reasons is just by watching out local business owners that have been around for years and still standing.
Q Shout outs.

A. S/O Zana Smith (Spectacles Detroit), Phil Simpson (Freshman Clothing), and James Morris (DSE) who have been helping me along the way guiding me in the right direction. S/O to my team for Ricky Lowery, Kelvin Bonner, and Will Grayson for reppin/promoting Inner-City

Friday, February 10, 2012

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Peoples Planet is offering free ad space for creative minds if you are interested contact us via email at thanks very much

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

street art

As stated before the goal of Peoples Planet is to inform the creative minds all over the planet.This is our number one goal and we are sticking to it. So the first installment of information is a peek into the world of the street art culture.The information is fully upon us and it has hit us hard.Artist have the priveledge to be able to gain knowledge about any art figure they want by just a click of a mouse.This is giving the whole art world a diffrent look at the street art trend.

Joshua Harris photo by
Artist all across the world are creating works of art from there mind without no type of school art foundation.I guess this makes this art fall under the category of street art.This doesn't make the information generation stray away from this art form. Before you just go thinking that street art is just graffiti lets take a look at other forms of street art above this art of Joshua Harris in NY that's using the subway air to bring trash bags to life as animals and such.

photo from
This work of amazing street art is called street illusions .

Street art is a prime example of how street can be a vehicle for art to become a something awesome.I know you may think, "That's not the type  of street art that I see around my city .'' If your on the East side of the states you may see art as this one or the one above.This is the beauty of this type of art you can either like it or love it. Someone's going to like it most likely though.

Now before the West side of the nation starts clicking  the red x in the corner I've got a prime dosage of the beautiful art coming outta the West.


Chicago Street art

New York street art

As you can see there is a big difference  in the styles of the two coast. Overall Street what you can take from this article is that street art is a very diverse beast. Next time  when you out and see some nice art snap a pic and send it to us we're always taking contributions. THANKS FOR READING PEOPLES PLANET

Friday, February 3, 2012

Welcome to  Peoples Planet magazine the place where you can get informed on creative things you other wise would not even be aware of. Here at Peoples Planet we make it mission to bring together diffrent creative minds into one entity.We urge our customers to contribute things that they see worthy of being documented in our hectic times. We want our people to realize we're on this creative planet doing creative things and even though they may seem insignificant at the moment it's never  to late to flip the planet on it's ear. So stay tuned for an update coming soon.PEOPLES PLANET